Hygienic barrier on the ironer


Dear Customers,

In this day and age, more then ever before, we are concerned about our health and safety.

We all know the benefits of hygienic laundries and the application of the RABC norms.

The RABC norms state that manipulation should be reduced to a minimum.

And also the soiled and clean side should be separated. Where possible.

Do’s and don’ts.
• Pre-drying (conditioning to a lower moistrure level) should be excluded. Direct drying from washer to ironer should be the standard.
• Hand feeding should be limited. Automated feeders should be considerred thus limiting hand-spreading.
• Automatic folding should be promoted.
• Packing into plastic or ecological packaging should be considerred.

2 steps further...
In that scope we have gone 2 steps further in preparing our ironers for the possibility of cross-contamination.

1) Barrier ironer
We now offer the possibilty to create a barrier at the ironer level.

Thus separating further in 3 zones.

• soiled zone
• washing and ironing zone (Clean side : level 1)
• packing and handling zone (Clean side : level 2)

Practically speaking, it is possible to split the ironer from the packaging-handling side by building a barrier at the entry of the ironer.
If the laundry already has barrier washers this would imply a second level of preventing cross-contamination. If the laundry does not have barrier, for sure it would be a big improvement on the hygienic level.

2) RABC temperature monitoring and reporting:

Don’t forget that the effect of the high temperature (approx 160°C) during several seconds and the high pressure of the chest ironer, any linnen will surely be desinfected.
So in our software we now have the possibility to monitor linnen temperature at the exit. E.g. a program requires linnen to reach 160°C to be fully disinfected. The LACO controller, with the help of an extra temperature sensor measures the temperature of the linnen at the exit of the chest before going into the folder. If the required temperature is not reached the ironer slows down automatically. This temperature parameter and speed variation can be freely programmed.
As proof of the result of the achieved temperatures reports can be generated from the PLC onto a PC or spreadsheet document.

Let’s work together to improve hygienic conditions in a laundry.


Best regards,

The LACO team











Clic on the link below to see the big drawing.